Parents, grandparents and caregivers learn how to play musically with their child creating lasting memories and strong connections for all. Active music making allows children to get their wiggles out and move their bodies while learning important foundational skills of music. Studies show a direct link between language development and early music exposure.
Finding rhythm and learning how to keep accurate beat can improve your child's language skills! Our classes are created to excite and educate children while surrounding them with the joy and wonder of music.
Finding rhythm and learning how to keep accurate beat can improve your child's language skills! Our classes are created to excite and educate children while surrounding them with the joy and wonder of music.
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Each session, families are provided with a new set of award-winning Kids' MusicRound material. Our music is a blend of original, traditional and world music designed to expose your child to the joy and diversity of music. Home materials provide the opportunity to make music as a family, reinforce the concepts explored in class, and build lasting musical memories.
Our teachers are amazing, dedicated individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds. Each one shares a passion for music, a love of nurturing and educating children and families, and has been extensively trained using our acclaimed Kids' MusicRound curriculum. Our teachers also attend quarterly workshops to sharpen their skills and keep their classes fresh and exciting.
About children's music education classes and group activities for preschoolers, infants and toddlers. Visit our list of locations to find a class. The Kids' MusicRound community-style classes take place in a parent-child, family-style setting to allow for multiple siblings to enjoy music at the same time.

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