Older woodwinds, flutes, saxophones, clarinets, bassoons and oboes, particularly those built before 1965, have a different sound. Over the last fifty years everything has gotten louder. Sound systems in movie theatres, concerts, dance music; I would say the volume of the environment we live in has been turned up.
Evaluated in this manner, dismantling can begin. Keys are swaged for perfect fit and the rods must slide smoothly through the hinge tubing. Posts are aligned so the keywork and post abutt one another. If need be old pivot screws are replaced. Work proceeds though the entire horn in this meticulous manner.
Going Somewhere Fast, recorded by The Steve Deutsch Ensemble, took two years to complete and is the culmination of a lifelong dream. I wrote almost all of the music, and did all the artwork, photography, and layout for the CD and jacket sleeve. I was also very lucky that Omar Sosa, the Cuban piano virtuoso, walked into my life for a while and left an indelible mark on the music.
I play with the Lafayette Studio Big Band every Thursday night and I'm the solo tenor sax chair, featured tenor and flute soloist and get to take lots of solos. On the tune When You're Smiling I take a solo that I'm very pleased with. This is the Lafayette Studio Big Band that I play in, featuring on this date Steven Powell on vocal.
Reviews (6)
Marianne Barlow
Feb 22, 2022
Brian Lassiter
Sep 13, 2021
Anne Toy
Mar 23, 2021
Steve Leeds
May 06, 2019
Larry Oliverius
Jan 16, 2019
Valorie Dale
Nov 09, 2018