Innovation. Creativity. Technology. These are the ideas that shaped the building of my studio & provide a foundation and groundwork for my teaching philosophies.
The Piano: My baby grand piano is always kept in tip-top condition and is regulated once a year to keep the action precise.
Music Library: From an assortment of theory & technique books to Rock Piano Methods to Jazz piano solos, I have accumulated hundreds of music textbooks, scores, references, etc over the years. I also have access to thousands of music files in .PDF format & backing tracks for rock, blues, & jazz piano.
Lesson Recordings: After every lesson, you will receive an audio recording via email. I personally send these MP3 files to my students to review throughout their practice week. There is also the option of videotaping the lesson, if the student provides a flashdrive with enough memory for 30 minutes - 1 hour of video. At the end of the lesson, I will give you back your flashdrive. Make sure to dump the file onto a hard drive so you won't run out of room.
Professional Recording: Over the years, I have gained experience as an engineer, recording many solo & band tracks. In my studio, I have ProTools 8, high-quality studio mic, and an ambient room to make recording a wonderful experience for the student & teacher. All performance pieces or any piece finished will be recorded and each student will build a repertoire of recorded pieces, just like the professionals!
20,000+ MP3 Songs!: Yes, I have a ton of songs. Whether you need a new piece to work up or a new band to listen to, my library is yours. Part of understanding how to play music is gained by listening to music. The reason you gained an interest in music is most likely because of the way a song or piece affected you emotionally.
Waiting Area: If you are a parent or student arriving early (or staying afterwards), there is a waiting room available with WiFi Internet access, reading material, and a practice keyboard to get your hands warmed up. There is also a computer workstation, listed below.
Computer Workstation: In the waiting room, there is a computer setup with a MIDI keyboard to practice ear training, learning notes/rhythms, using Finale, and other things. Training is provided by the instructor during lesson time.
Served areas
- Rowlett, Rockwall, Heath, Mesquite, Richardson, Plano, Dallas, Wylie, Sachse
Associations and certifications
- TMTA, MTNA, Vice President of MAMTA
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Reviews (2)
Jimmy Gutierrez, percussionist/former bandmate
Steve only knows how to do things one way - professionally! One of his greatest attributes is his discipline. He sets a goal and methodically acheives it. This is priceless in the music industry. Steve is also a professional performer. His execution is flawless and he demands perfection of himself on every single note. He is able to transfer the passion he has for music from his heart, through his fingers, to your ears.
David Gallegos, guitarist