The Fiddle Primer Deluxe Edition by Jim Tolles is designed for the absolute beginner. This course will cover the basic fundamentals like parts of the fiddle, how to hold the bow, proper playing position, reading music notation, and playing in tune. After learning the basics of playing fiddle, we will move on to learn some simple arrangements of bluegrass tunes like Hot Corn Cold Corn, Amazing Grace, and Little Maggie. Each musical exercise and song is demonstrated at two different speeds. This course will get you on your way to learning how to play the fiddle.
The Dobro Primer Deluxe Edition by David Ellis is specially designed for the beginning dobro player. A dobro may also be known as a resonator or resophonic guitar. This course starts with the absolute basics and advances to playing popular bluegrass tunes. After covering the basics, the course moves on to detailed instruction on right hand picking technique and how to use the bar with your left hand.
The Ukulele Primer by Bert Casey is designed to help the beginnner learn how to play the ukulele. This course can be used with a Soprano, Concert, or Tenor ukulele. This lesson starts off with the absolute basics like parts of the uke, tuning (G, C, E, A), left and right hand position, and how to strum.
The Harmonica Primer Deluxe Edition by Tom Wolf is designed for the beginning harmonica player. This course starts by teaching proper hand positions, mouth positions, blowing & drawing. You'll quickly learn more advanced concepts like scales, chords, double stops, vibrato, trills, cross harp, and bends.
Keyboard Primer Deluxe Edition by Lee Davis is designed for the absolute beginner keyboard or piano player and covers all the basics. You will learn proper technique, hand and body positions, scales, chords, and note reading. The student plays along with a full band on familiar songs like Ode to Joy, When the Saints, and Canon in C.

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