To see a full description of our studio visit Our Studio page. I provide the very best instruction available for children and adults through innovative teaching methods, fun learning concepts and an ongoing expansion of services, including student teacher jams and ensemble classes.
The instructional techniques I employ are a culmination of the many years I have been teaching, as well as staying open to trying new ideas and studying the results. New innovations are constantly coming to mind and are implemented. Many teachers get locked into a particular routine and never change, add, or improve their curriculum.
My playing all these instruments has several advantages for students that I teach. If my students ever want to play a different instrument or add an additional instrument they would not have to change teachers and go to someone they do not know and a teacher who don't know the student and their music background.
What can the parents of young students aged five through ten do to help their children be more successful with their music lesson program?. Do I need to have the ability to pick out melodies and/or have good note sound recognition?. 2. What age do you recommending starting children with lessons on an instrument?
Reviews (3)
Ceasar Sytian
Jul 30, 2021
Jul 22, 2021
I feel so fortunate to have a wonderful piano teacher such as Greg Madison. He is very patient, detail oriented and he shares a lot of information in the process. He has a great sense of humor and his lessons are always fun, which makes me look forward to every session. He will go through the steps with me tirelessly and employs different teaching strategies for me to understand and acquire the skills easily. Makeup arrangements are very flexible too. Overall, my experience here is excellent and i highly recommend.
Robert Panchal
Nov 04, 2018